Emergency Shelter
Village of Hope provides safe, secure emergency housing for families 24 hours/day ~ 7 days a week. We are open 365 days a year.
The environment that a family experiencing homeless comes into is very important. We work to create a calm, safe environment in which families can build a future.
Families can stay with us for 90 days, as long as they are actively looking for housing.
Each family has their own apartment. This preserves the family unit and provides privacy.
What is our definition of family? Each family is unique and has their own composition.
They do need to be looking to move into a house together.
We have single moms with kids, single dads with kids, sisters raising kids together, grandparents raising kids and couples. Every combination possible!
Many families come to Village of Hope already working, but if they are not and that is a goal, we assist them in finding the right fit, filling out applications and working with the employer. Community contribution is a powerful human need and we recognize and support that.
Our Case Manager assists families to locate housing and programs to assist in paying for housing if needed. Housing expenses have increased but for many of our families, wages have not. This creates a cost burden for housing.
Removing Barriers
There is no “one size fits all” solution for homelessness. Every family has unique barriers and requires a intervention that fits. The case manager will begin this process by talking with the family and helping them set goals they want to achieve and looking at strengths and barriers to overcome. Then the networking starts! We work with many agencies and organizations to create the family future.
School Attendance
Because graduation is one factor in success, attending school is very important at Village of Hope. We work with the district 31 Homeless Liaison for transitions to help kids stay in their own school or get them registered if school is new. Keeping the routine of attending school is a goal that every family must achieve during their stay.
Life Skills
Life skills are the skills that many people take for granted, like managing money, shopping, cooking, running a home and maintaining social networks. Some people experiencing homelessness do not have all of these skills, either because they never acquired them or because they lost them through extended periods of homelessness. Helping those experiencing homelessness acquire life skills can help them move on from homelessness and resettle into the community.
When families come to Village of Hope, they are at the lowest spot in their lives. They are exhausted and frustrated. They don’t trust themselves or others. By working together, and building relationships, we start to rebuild their confidence and hope. We are so much more alike than different and pointing that out makes all the difference to a heartbroken family.